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Ketodoit FAQ Carbs

There are 3 main food groups (macro nutrients), which are carbohydrates, fat and protein. Carbohydrates are often referred to as carbs. Carbs are formed of either starch, fibre or sugar (yes all sugars!).

When we eat our body has to decide what it is going to do. Eating fat causes almost no hormonal reaction. Protein causes a moderate response in the production of minimal insulin. Carbohydrates cause a medium to extreme hormonal response, with the pancreas having to secrete insulin to deal with the glucose this macro nutrient creates (it is important to push the glucose into muscles and cells).

When carbs are broken down to glucose (sugar), insulin places this energy into cells. As is all to often there is an excess of glucose is sent back to the liver to be converted to glycogen, which is then stored in muscle. Further excess is sent back to the liver and converted to triglycerides – STORED AS FAT. Some of the triglycerides remain present within the blood. Excessive triglycerides thicken the blood and are a significant marker for potential strokes and heart attacks.

This would potential cause billions in lost revenue.

Rice, pasta, breakfast cereals, bread, potatoes, cakes, biscuits, vegetables, fruit, fruit juices. Don’t worry not all carbs are created equally we detail the best within the free App.

Carbs turn in usable energy in the form of glucose, with the excess turning into fat and fat in the blood (triglycerides). High glycemic carbohydrates require a disproportionate amount of insulin (the hormone produced by the pancreas) and often over a prolonged period of time. Over time this can have a negative impact on health. When insulin is raised it is not possible to metabolise fat (the opposite of what is desired). Sweeter carbs are hyper-palatable and readily available. Highly processed carbs are usually “simple” so not only require more insulin to clear but raise blood sugar often into diabetic territory (even in a healthy person) for a short period of time – in a diabetic or glucose intolerant person this scenario is a ticking time bomb.

Complex carbohydrates do not raise the blood sugar as high, but may still require a lot of insulin over a longer period of time (still not ideal).

Excessive insulin increases fat storage. It inevitably leads to insulin resistance which is a precursor for Type 2 diabetes. High insulin is at the root of some cancers and other chronic conditions.

It is possible for a low fat high carbohydrate diet to achieve results. These are hard to sustain, as portion sizes are small, promoting hunger and binge eating. Our alternative ALWAYS produces quicker results in trials,

Only politics and money allow the current status quo of low fat fake food to be mainstream.

Main stream diets work within national food guidelines – which were not trialled. Most of the world has followed the lead of the United States, therefore all major economies follow the same diets. This tracks with obesity, diabetes and other chronic conditions.

Insulin response is ignored and definitely not front and center on any of the well known dietary programmes. Insulin shuttles blood glucose out of the blood stream into cells to be used for energy.  Insulin also stores excessive "energy" from carbohydrates, as fat.  Insulin and insulin resistance are likely the most important fat and health management aspect, low insulin = FAT LOSS.  Low insulin is correlated with low carbohydrate intake, which is the common sense aspect of the Ketogenic dietary lifestyle. 

Traditional foods which observably presented slimmer & healthier people have been side-lined for processed alternatives.

Low fat foods replace natural fat with sugar to enhance the taste of such as change.  The food scientists are employed to ensure that food stimulates the senses.  This “bliss” point is key – even over health.

For example a glass of orange juice could be anything up tp 15 teaspoons of sugar. Cereals are between 60 to 80% sugar (carbs are sugar, a point the mainstream programmes do not educate on).

Foods are rated on a scale of 0 – 100, with pure glucose being rated at 100.

Low GI = 55 or less

Mid Range GI = 56 – 69

High GI = 70 or more

Glycemic load is an approximation of the carbohydrate impact of food based on the glycemic index. This is expressed via a formula of games of carbohydrate multiplied by the GI, which is then divided by 100.

Cornflakes breakfast cereal (Kellogg’s, MI, USA) 132

Fruity-Bix™ breakfast cereal, berry 113

Rice, white, type not specified, boiled 112

Jasmine rice, white long grain, cooked in rice cooker 109

Millet flour porridge 107

Desiree potato, mashed, with 10 g margarine 102

White bread, prepared with a 40 min prove, a second 25 min proving and a third 50 min proving (large loaf volume) 100

Potato, white without skin, baked, consumed with 10 g margarine 98

The body can run off of either glucose or fatty acids derived from fats. Carbs provide energy. The body will burn carbs in preference to fat; which is why loosing weight is easier if carbohydrates are reduced i.e. the less there is, the quicker the body can tap into burning body fat.

Pete Ahrens research suggested that carbs found in cereals, grains, flour and sugar might be contributing directly to, if not causing, obesity and disease. And he correctly predicted that a fat reduced diet would increase consumption of these foods.

While everyone was obsessed at the time with serum cholesterol, Ahrens was interested in triglycerides. His experiments consistently revealed that triglycerides shot up whenever carbs replaced fat in the diet (i.e. cereal instead of egg and bacon for breakfast). Ahrens found that triglycerides would cloud up the blood with a milky white liquid with someone on a high carb diet, whereas a contrasting clear blood plasma belonged to someone on a high fat regime.

High triglycerides are also usually found in diabetics and because diabetics are at a higher risk for heart disease there was a case for a common cause – excessive weight gain. Whatever was causing people to get fat was spiking their triglycerides and also leading to heart disease and diabetes. The probable cause that Albrink and Ahrens identified in the 1960s was carbohydrates. Ahrens was concerned that the low fat diets being prescribed would worsen triglyceride levels and exacerbate the problem of obesity and chronic disease.

This was the 1960s people! Any of it ringing bells in your head, it should be. Why was this ignored!

A medical officer for the WHO in Geneva collected every study he could find and concluded that any link between dietary fat and heart disease was, at best, weak and unreliable.

When we eat our body has to decide what it is going to do. Eating fat causes almost no hormonal reaction. Protein causes a moderate response in the production of minimal insulin. Carbohydrates cause a medium to extreme hormonal response, with the pancreas having to secrete insulin to deal with the glucose this macro nutrient creates (it is important to push the glucose into muscles and cells).

Ketodoit FAQ Fat

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found only in animal foods. Unlike fatty acids it doesn’t provide energy. However, your body needs it in order to produce steroid hormones (to control inflammation), vitamin D and bile acids that help digest fat. All of your cells make cholesterol; in fact, most of the cholesterol in your blood comes from your body rather than the food you eat. Dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol levels, nor does it increase heart disease risk.

By 1981, nearly a dozen sizable studies on humans had found a link between lowering cholesterol and increases in cancer rates, principally colon cancer. And there are other problems, people who have successfully lowered their cholesterol levels in trials of diet or drugs turned out to have higher rates of gall stones. Strokes are also a concern. In Japan, for example, a country of interest for heart disease researchers due to the low rates in rural areas, investigators have found that Japanese people with lower cholesterol levels suffer strokes at rates 2 to 3 times higher than those with higher cholesterol.

The idea that eating red meat causes colorectal cancer has also been reviewed and the difference between those who ate the most red meat and those who ate the least was minuscule and far from convincing evidence. Many of the nutrients implicated in protecting against cancer – vitamin A, folic acid, selenium and zinc, are not only more abundant in meat but are also more easily absorbed into the bloodstream when eaten in meat rather than vegetables.

George Mann, a biochemist, had studied the Masai in Africa and found that they were thriving on diets of meat, animal blood and milk, whose total cholesterol was among the lowest in the world and who did not contract heart disease – nor indeed any other diseases! The scientists supporting the diet-heart hypothesis tried to disprove the findings but reluctantly wound up confirming them. There have been studies done since and a very uncomfortable fact for the promoters of the diet-heart hypothesis is that people who eat less fat, particularly saturated fat, do not live longer. Although their cholesterol decreases their risk of death doesn’t.

Reiser re-examined the studies at the foundation of the diet-heart hypothesis. Among his observations that undermined this hypothesis were that certain types of saturated fatty acids, such as stearic acid, which is the main one found in meat, demonstrated no cholesterol raising effect at all.

Since the 1970s, we have followed these guidelines, increased our consumption of fruit and vegetables, increased the grains and reduced the amount of fat, which includes switching to vegetable oils and during that time, instead of our health improving, it is getting worse. Rates of obesity, diabetes, strokes, heart disease and other chronic illnesses are increasing.

A growing number of experts are now acknowledging that making the low fat diet the centre of nutritional advice, was a bad idea. And yet we are still advised to eat a diet of mostly fruit, vegetables and whole grains with modest amounts of lean meat and low fat dairy. Red meat is still virtually banned, as are whole fat milk, cheese, cream, butter and eggs.

The story of nutrition science since the 1920s is that scientists, responding to the dramatic increases in the number of heart disease cases, which had gone from a handful in 1900 to being the leading cause of death by 1950, hypothesised that dietary fat was to blame. This hypothesis became accepted as truth largely due to Ansell Keys, before it was properly tested. Also, the normally self -challenging mechanism of science, where hypotheses, research and results are reproduced and retested, was disabled i.e. wasn’t taken into account.

And so it becomes part of the psyche.

Once ideas about fat and cholesterol became adopted by health institutions, even prominent experts found it nearly impo….ssible to challenge them. Researchers who persisted found themselves cut off from grants, unable to rise in their professional societies, with no invitations to serve on expert panels and trouble finding journals that would publish their research – all because of Ansell Keys.

We recommend avoiding processed vegetable and seed oils such as safflower, sunflower, canola, corn and soybean oils. Especially for cooking which makes them even more harmful for the body as they oxidise at high temperatures. Also, stay away from mayonnaise, margarine's and spreads containing these oils.

Unlike fats found naturally in foods, vegetable and seed oils are highly refined products that do not provide any nutritional value. They are prone to rancidity when exposed to light or air, and they may become further damaged and create toxic by-products when heated.

Fats such as butter, ghee, coconut oil and lard are the best options for frying since they are resistant to heat and don’t oxidise when reaching high temperatures. Olive oil and avocado oil are not very heat resistant either so they are better used cold in dressings or in home-made mayonnaise or pesto.

By 1981, nearly a dozen sizable studies on humans had found a link between lowering cholesterol and increases in cancer rates, principally colon cancer. And there are other problems, people who have successfully lowered their cholesterol levels in trials of diet or drugs turned out to have higher rates of gall stones. Strokes are also a concern. In Japan, for example, a country of interest for heart disease researchers due to the low rates in rural areas, investigators have found that Japanese people with lower cholesterol levels suffer strokes at rates 2 to 3 times higher than those with higher cholesterol.

The idea that eating red meat causes colorectal cancer has also been reviewed and the difference between those who ate the most red meat and those who ate the least was minuscule and far from convincing evidence. Many of the nutrients implicated in protecting against cancer – vitamin A, folic acid, selenium and zinc, are not only more abundant in meat but are also more easily absorbed into the bloodstream when eaten in meat rather than vegetables.

Is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system and good vision. Vitamin A is needed by the retina of the eye and is important for epithelial and other cells. Epithelial cells line the outer surfaces of organs and blood vessels throughout the body, as well as inner surfaces of cavities in internal organs e.g. epidermis of the skin. All glands are made up of epithelial cells. Functions of epithelial cells include secretion, absorption, protection, transcellular transport and sensing.

A group of secosteroids responsible for increasing absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate. The major source of the vitamin is synthesis of cholecalciferol in the skin from cholesterol through a chemical reaction that is dependent on sun exposure.
The biologically active form of vitamin D, Calcitrol, circulates as a hormone in the blood, having a major role regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphate, and promoting the healthy growth and remodelling of bone, effects cell growth, neuromuscular and immune functions and reduction of inflammation.

Is a group of 8 fat soluble compounds. Vitamin E deficiency is rare and is usually down to an underlying problem with digesting dietary fats, and can cause nerve problems.
It is thought vitamin E has antioxidant functions in cell membranes and may act by controlling gene expression and cell signal transduction.

Is a group of fat soluble vitamins that the body requires for complete synthesis of certain proteins that are essential for blood coagulation (clotting), and which the body also needs for controlling binding of calcium in bones and other tissues.
Clinical research indicates that deficiency of vitamin K may weaken bones and may promote calcification of arteries and other soft tissues.

Ancel Keys was challenged on his Diet Heart Hypothesis by others who wanted sugar looked at as the potential villain. Mr Keys decided to conduct a study to prove cholesterol was a root cause of strokes and heart attacks. His study was called the 7 countries study; he demonstrated via a graph a correlation between saturated fat and heart disease. This looked compelling. There was a fatal issue however as he had another 15 countries worth of data, he selected not to reveal. Later this omission was rectified by others. The additional data showed a scatter diagram with not a hint of correlation for Ancel’s hypothesis.

So the burning question is why are “we” still wed to the Diet Heart Hypothesis, when no link was proved. A complete food system of low calorie and high carbohydrate methods of eating have swept the world, along with a view that cholesterol should be lowered. At KetoDoit we believe that high insulin, sugar and carbohydrates are the primary drivers of most of the chronic conditions.

Nina Teicholz, in her book The Big Fat Surprise, has read and reviewed all the original studies as well as data that was never intended to be found. What she found was, not only that it was a mistake to restrict fat but also that our fear of saturated fat in animal foods – butter, eggs and meat – has NEVER been based in solid science. Her book lays out the scientific case for why our bodies are healthiest on a diet with ample amounts of fat including meat, eggs, butter and other animal foods high in saturated fat.
This book will be an eye opener for you and I strongly advise you to read it. She is completely independent with no affiliations to any particular views and no funding from them either. It is unbiased.

We should all know how and what went wrong with the low fat diet and why eating this way has caused so many health issues.

Even though fat has been scandalised over the years, it is actually essential to your health.
Fat supports several of your body’s functions and gives your body the energy it needs. Fat helps you to absorb important vitamins (vitamin D requires the presence of cholesterol to be processed by the body) and gives your body essential fatty acids that control inflammation, improve brain health and more.
During digestion, fat and cholesterol are packaged into tiny particles called chylomicrons. After the fat has been digested, fatty acids are passed through the lymph system and then throughout the body via your bloodstream to be used or stored for energy, cell repair and growth. Your lymph system also absorbs fatty acids to help fight infection. Adipose tissue takes triglyceride from the chylomicrons. Each chylomicron gets smaller, eventually leaving a remnant that’s rich in cholesterol and taken by the liver.
So fat is important because it:

• Helps you absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
• Regulates inflammation and immunity
• Maintains the health of your cells, including skin and hair
• Adds richness to food, helping you to feel full and satisfied.

In 1906, Stefansson, a Harvard anthropologist, chose to live with and study the Inuit people in the Canadian Arctic. He lived exactly like his hosts, which included almost exclusively eating meat and fish for an entire year. For 6-9 months, they ate nothing but caribou, followed by months of exclusively salmon, and a month of eggs in the spring. 70-80% of the calories in their diet came from fat. The only time they ever ate vegetables was in time of famine.
Stefansson wrote “If meat needs carbohydrates and vegetables to make it wholesome, then the poor Eskimos were not eating healthily. They should have been in a wretched state…But, to the contrary, they seemed to be the healthiest people I have ever lived with”. There was no obesity or heart disease.
Eager to prove his revelations, he returned home and devised an experiment. In 1928 he and a colleague, under hospital supervision, vowed to eat nothing but meat and drink water for an entire year. At the end of the year, both men felt extremely well and were found to be in perfect health. The scientists could find nothing wrong with them, no deficiencies at all.

Not necessarily.  If a mostly fat based diet is employed (circa up to 65 - 70%), fat will be used as energy preferentially.  This means fat is removed from cells rather than stored.  If fat is mixed with carbohydrates / sugar, like in the case of a doughnut, this is a recipe for storing fat. In nature fat and sugar is rarely seen together; food scientists know this taste combination is irresistible and hyperpalatable – they specifically look for the bliss point. The word fat means two very different things: the fat we eat and the fat on our bodies. It’s very hard for our brains to grasp that they are entirely different.
Our fear of dietary fat as fattening goes back to 1920s America, where doctors advised their patients to cut back on fat to lose weight because fat packed more calories. Since then, fat in all forms has simply become something to be avoided. A large number of experiments since then have confirmed that restricting fat does not slim people down, quite the reverse actually. The low fat diet has spread far and wide but the evidence for it doesn’t add up and never has.
Saturated fat has NOT been shown to cause the most damaging kind of cholesterol to go up, total cholesterol has not been demonstrated to lead to an increased risk of heart attacks and even narrowing of the arteries has not been shown to predict a heart attack.

A medical officer for the WHO in Geneva collected every study he could find and concluded that any link between dietary fat and heart disease was, at best, weak and unreliable.

Pete Ahrens research suggested that carbs found in cereals, grains, flour and sugar might be contributing directly to, if not causing, obesity and disease. And he correctly predicted that a fat reduced diet would increase consumption of these foods.

While everyone was obsessed at the time with serum cholesterol, Ahrens was interested in triglycerides. His experiments consistently revealed that triglycerides shot up whenever carbs replaced fat in the diet (i.e. cereal instead of egg and bacon for breakfast). Ahrens found that triglycerides would cloud up the blood with a milky white liquid with someone on a high carb diet, whereas a contrasting clear blood plasma belonged to someone on a high fat regime.

High triglycerides are also usually found in diabetics and because diabetics are at a higher risk for heart disease there was a case for a common cause – excessive weight gain. Whatever was causing people to get fat was spiking their triglycerides and also leading to heart disease and diabetes. The probable cause that Albrink and Ahrens identified in the 1960s was carbohydrates. Ahrens was concerned that the low fat diets being prescribed would worsen triglyceride levels and exacerbate the problem of obesity and chronic disease.

This was the 1960s people! Any of it ringing bells in your head, it should be. Why was this ignored!

Ketodoit FAQ Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for a healthy body. skin, blood cells, nails and immunity. Essential means our bodies cannot make (synthesis this), so an exogenous intake is required, “essential amino acids” are also call “indispensable amino-acids (IAAs)”. Approximately 50% of the bodies dry weight consists of protein. During food digestion proteins are broken down to amino acids, which form enzymes and hormones like serotonin and adrenaline. Animal proteins are “complete”. Plant based proteins need to be stacked to ensure full amino acids are covered.

Meat, is broken down into individual proteins by the gastric juices in the stomach. Pancreatic enzymes used within the small intestine, called the duodenum, breakdown the proteins into different amino acids. The amino acids are absorbed into the intestine walls via villi which resemble small fingers. The amino acids are then transported by blood to the liver.

Guidelines state that circa 0.8 grams per kg of body weight should be consumed per day. We believe up to 2 grams per kilogram for those who work out is fine. There is a concern that too much protein is detrimental to the kidneys; this may be the case for those who have a pre-existing condition, but there is no relationship for kidney issues in those without an existing condition.

These are not required, as all protein requirements can be obtained from real food.

Bars and other processed foods have as a marketing tool added additional protein to their products. These products are more expensive than the base product. With the consumption of real whole foods, these additions are not required.

Not required for persons not attempting to get on stage.

Since the 1970s, we have followed these guidelines, increased our consumption of fruit and vegetables, increased the grains and reduced the amount of fat, which includes switching to vegetable oils and during that time, instead of our health improving, it is getting worse. Rates of obesity, diabetes, strokes, heart disease and other chronic illnesses are increasing.

A growing number of experts are now acknowledging that making the low fat diet the centre of nutritional advice, was a bad idea. And yet we are still advised to eat a diet of mostly fruit, vegetables and whole grains with modest amounts of lean meat and low fat dairy. Red meat is still virtually banned, as are whole fat milk, cheese, cream, butter and eggs.

The story of nutrition science since the 1920s is that scientists, responding to the dramatic increases in the number of heart disease cases, which had gone from a handful in 1900 to being the leading cause of death by 1950, hypothesised that dietary fat was to blame. This hypothesis became accepted as truth largely due to Ansell Keys, before it was properly tested. Also, the normally self -challenging mechanism of science, where hypotheses, research and results are reproduced and retested, was disabled i.e. wasn’t taken into account.

And so it becomes part of the psyche.

Once ideas about fat and cholesterol became adopted by health institutions, even prominent experts found it nearly impo….ssible to challenge them. Researchers who persisted found themselves cut off from grants, unable to rise in their professional societies, with no invitations to serve on expert panels and trouble finding journals that would publish their research – all because of Ansell Keys.

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